Calming Kids
Video 1: Introduction to the Course (13 m)
Video 2: Your Goals (5 m)
Video 3: Descriptive Praise (24 m)
Video 4: Empathy (26 m)
Video 5: Building Strong Relationships (19 m)
Video 6: Your Child's Temperament (8 m)
Test your learning
Video 1: Introduction to Module 2 (4 m)
Video 2: Constructive Questions (26 m)
Test your learning
Video 3: Never Ask Twice
Video 4: Problem Solving (9 m)
Video 5: Understanding Anger (9 m)
Video 6: Become Your Child's Anger Management Coach
Video 1: Introduction to Module 3
Video 2: Rules (26 m)
Video 3: Routines (8 m)
Video 4. Positive Discipline (37 m long - but SO worth it!)
Test your learning
Introduction to Module 4 (7 m)
Video 2: Sibling Rivalry (17 m)
Video 3: Only Child Syndrome (10 m)
Video 4. The Solving-Conflict Process (12 m)
Video 5. Encouraging Independence (26 m)
Video 6. If poor behaviour continues ... (29 m)
Video 1. Introduction to Module 5 (4 m)
Video 2. Being in Charge (15 m)
Video 3. Solving conflict without arguments (12 m)
Video 4. Staying Calm (14 m)
Video 5. How to defuse your buttons (24 m)
Video 1. Introduction to module 6 (10 m)
Video 2. Have more fun (20 m)
Video 6.3 Help your child become resilient
Video 4. Keep up your skills (9 m)
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